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Inspiring Faith: Discover the Transformative Words of Christian Author Trilby McClammy
Immerse yourself in the uplifting and insightful writings of Christian Author Trilby McClammy. Explore a collection of spiritually enriching books that ignite faith, hope, and love. Join us on a journey of inspiration and discovery as we delve into the profound wisdom and grace-filled narratives of Trilby McClammy's literary works.

Pearls Of Great Price
A Pearl of Great Price is a collection of stories of some great women of the Bible who accomplished and/or experienced some amazing things.

The Sky Is Always Blue
Is it storming in your life? Are you experiencing dark clouds of despair? Does it seem as if you have a few days of sunshine and the majority of your days are full of rain?

Jesus Healed Them All & All Includes Me!
Did you know that the Bible records where multitudes followed after Jesus and He healed them ALL?

Reading books has always and probably will always be my favorite thing to do. I can spend hours in a bookstore, especially a Bible bookstore. While I enjoy reading, and I did well-writing book reports in school, I don’t recall writing a book being one of my goals or dreams. However, when I was in the 10th grade, I do remember my English teacher telling me once "you could be a writer." I guess she was prophesying my future. I was fortunate enough to become the editor of my church’s newsletter in the early 90’s and wrote articles for that.

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