Trilby's Publishings
Trilby has published three books, “The Sky Is Always Blue”, “Jesus Healed Them All and All Includes You. and Lastly "Pearls of Great Price"”

A Pearl of Great Price is a collection of stories of some great women of the Bible who accomplished and/or experienced some amazing things. Written along with their stories are pearls, precious words of great value, offering wisdom that will bring forth healing and deliverance to the reader of these divine truths. These “pearls” can serve as advice to those who may find themselves in similar situations or backed up in a similar corner. The preacher in the book of Ecclesiastes says, “What has been will be again,” so we will do well to learn lessons and heed the advice of these female superheroes (she-roes).
In writing “A Pearl of Great Price”, I wanted to highlight stories of some great women of the Bible who lived in a patriarchal or male-controlled world, and who accomplished and/or experienced some amazing things. I believe their stories are filled with lessons that can be used as guidance for today but will also bring forth healing and deliverance to the reader of these divine truths.
The preacher in the book of Ecclesiastes says, “What has been will be again,” so we will do well to learn lessons and heed the advice of these female superheroes (she-roes).
I call these lessons “pearls.” The dictionary says a pearl is “something precious or choice; the finest example of anything.” Pearls are also called “a proverb, a word of great value.”
Jesus told His disciples this parable in Matthew 13:45–46, “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!” This merchant was looking for valuable pearls, and when he found one, he sold everything he owned to buy it.
That’s how I want you to look at these women’s stories—precious, choice pearls of great value found among the greatest words ever written. I once read that a natural pearl is considered very rare, and to find one wild pearl, you would have to open hundreds of oysters or clams. I imagine it would take a considerable amount of time to find these pearls, but when found great joy, there is and rejoicing over their worth. I pray you experience that same spirit of rejoicing as you read these women’s pearls. Read in order or choose a story based on the pearl. Some are longer than others, but all are valuable. I have included Wisdom pearls from the Bible for further study and Reflections for journaling or to share with a friend.

Prior to writing the book, The Sky Is Always Blue” I had been studying the subject of faith. At that time, I was studying and meditating Second Corinthians 4:18 which says: “While we look not at the things that are seen, but at the things that are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” God gave me a divine revelation and a perfect illustration of this scripture on a flight. Before the flight it was a very cloudy day heading to the airport and as the plane rose above clouds, all I could see was a beautiful blue sky. I saw that there is a constant reminder of faith right above us. Something that is just as constant and unchangeable as God is, a blue sky—a sky that is always blue regardless of what it may look like to the natural eye, sometimes gray, sometimes dark and, at other times, cloudy. Regardless of how it appears to us at any given time, the sky is always blue.
So, if you are experiencing storms in your life or dark clouds of despair; I hope as you read this book, you discover the faithfulness of God and hope that can only be found in Him. God has provided for each of us to live a good life right here on Earth. It’s time for the world to hear that message, believe it, and live it.

Did you know that the Bible records where multitudes followed Jesus and He healed them ALL? It does NOT record Jesus turning anyone away who came seeking help regardless of the situation or the need. In fact, Jesus said “I will never turn away anyone who comes to Me.” He bids all to come (Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest). He did not discriminate based upon religion, ethnic background, social status, or type of sickness or disease. He HEALED THEM ALL! One person, two people, or large numbers of people – JESUS HEALED THEM ALL!
I believe this book will bless and encourage you, as well as increase your faith in the healing power of the Word of God. It is my prayer that these Biblical accounts, will provide proof to you that Jesus HEALED THEM ALL and He can and will heal you too. Let’s start with this confession: JESUS HEALED THEM ALL AND ALL INCLUDES ME!